Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fishing Report

This year we signed up to be in the 8:00 am group at Clear Lake because my wife was graduating from graduate school later in the day. This allowed us to get the first crack at trying to catch one of those larger 5lb-10lb rainbow trouts. Old Lady Luck was not on our side so instead of three behemoths to clean and cook we caught three guppy sized rainbows.
Then began the time honored tradition of the father getting to clean the fish. I am pretty sure I have never cleaned a fish this small before, but my five year old son insisted we go through with it. I also learned that cleaning tiny fish will make your hands smell just as bad as if you had cleaned a record breaker.
The process was good for teaching about fish anatomy. As the picture above shows they were pretty eager to learn what goes on inside our aquatic friends. Even though my lecture about the science of how fish breath under water should have won an award, I am still pretty sure that my boys were not buying it. I should go pony up the $24 for my resident annual fishing license and take the boys out a few more times now that we have a fishing pole for each of them and only live three blocks from the Spokane River.

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